Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yay for no work till Thursday :)

Man. I've been sleeping on and off all day - last night was nuts.

Normally we'll run between 2-4 calls total throughout the evening. Last night we ran 7...or maybe it was 8? Either way it was insane. Had to go to Wayside (prison) twice too. Bleh. They're starting to recognize us over there lol.

Kim and I got letters of commendation! Yay! That'll look quite lovely in our personal files :) We seem to end up working with a particular station a lot down in SCV, and they were very impressed with us last night and actually took the time to call our supervisor and let him know. Makes me feel good :) Kim and I were on a freaking roll last night, working smoothly, and everything was just clicking. Woo!

So tomorrow is the big day (hopefully). I'm going to go down to AVC and talk to the same counselor and make sure everything is set for me to be able to take Anatomy in the spring quarter (begins in February) since the bio department never got back to me. I'm still kind of nervous that some fluke happened and that I still can't take it, but hopefully everything goes smooth.

Sorry, no pictures this post or last post. Again, on days that I work, I spend most of the day resting so I can stay up during the night. I'll take pictures tomorrow though! The trees in our backyard have started recovering from the shock of being planted and are growing leaves again :)

Read a lot more in my book during work last night, it's getting pretty good. I want to ride on a horse and have a sword and be awesome like that :p

Nothing else really to report since the last couple days have been filled with sleep and work.

I DO need to mention the awesomeness of Dave, however. I came home Saturday morning and there was a bubble bath with candles waiting for me :) After I had slept for a while he woke me up and had made me brunch, and after that (I napped again in the afternoon), he had made dinner as well! (During the middle of the day we went out and ran some errands together).

Overall things are awesome, life is good, and I'm going to go have some dessert. :)

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