Monday, September 27, 2010


Yay!!! Today is a wonderful day!

I just got back from my meeting with a counselor over at AVC (got there at 7:40am - doors open at 8 - to make sure to get one of todays walk-in appointments) to check on the status of my petition to the bio department in regards to me being able to take anatomy. I hadn't heard anything in a week so I went in to check on things. At first it looked like there was a misunderstanding - he said that it looks like the bio department didn't need to get back to me until the 30th of this month (meaning it hadn't been turned in until late last week, which was NOT the case).

Turns out it got shipped to the wrong persons desk or whatever. So he gives me a card with a persons name on it and says to call her by around 4:30pm today if I don't hear anything and I'll get my answer. This suits me well enough and I ask him a couple other questions about the intersession classes, when suddenly another person walks in, looks at me, goes "Jenna?" me: "yes..?" She goes on to show me my petition, and that I'd been APPROVED!!! HELL YES!! I was told by several people that petitions of this kind usually don't work, as a C- is a C-, and they don't accept those unless there's a good reason. Well boo-freakin-ya. My petition was approved!!
Just wanted to get this all down before I head out for my weekly D&D session. I think we're going to actually start the campaign today if enough people show up. Going to be the Serpent's Skull one.

Right now my plan is roughly this:

In nursing school, there are a few general classes you take along with your core nursing classes. However, these general classes do NOT need to be taken only once you are in nursing school, so I'd like to get them out of the way. I've already taken care of the math, english, and psych thanks to UCR (woo). On to the rest:

Intersession 2011 (January something - Feb something): Phil 105, and whatever the communications course is (assuming these are offered in intersession).

Spring 2011: Anatomy, and I think there's a 3rd random general course that I need

Summer 2011: Physiology (it's weird, anatomy is a pre-req for phys. Oh well)

Fall 2011: Microbiology

Then apply to nursing school at AVC
Summer 2011: Physiology AND Microbio. I'm just unsure whether or not taking microbio with something else is a good idea, since I've heard it's not the easiest class around.

Apply for nursing school (if I can? I'm not sure how it goes) during Summer 2011

Fall 2011: Start nursing school (assuming I get in)

Yay for plans! Off to D&D :)

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