Friday, September 24, 2010

Missed a couple days

Whoops. Kinda got hard to keep writing once I started working. The whole sleep-during-the-day thing and all.

Now I've remembered, so here I am :)

Nothing too much to report. Wednesday night (this is my long week), we got a code 2 down to a psych facility in LA (joy, of course it was my day to drive) and this guy was so freaking forward to Kim, it was ridiculous. First as we're loading him, he tells us both we're "cuties, much better than the last people that transported him" and asks us both if we're married. I hold up my hand and thankfully dodged that bullet, as I also was the driver and didn't have to sit back there with him. After we drop him off, Kim says "wow. THAT was an uncomfortable ride." I ask her why, and she says that after being more and more suggestive, the patient told her straight out that he'd like to rip her clothes off with his teeth. Sweet Jesus.

Ok. When it's a female psych patient held on a 5150 (the form used when the person is a danger to themselves or others, it's a 72 hour hold, patients rights are forfeit (as in, even if you don't want to go to ____ facility, you're still going because we're looking out for you since you can't)) they usually ask for a female attendant to be in the back. Alright, I understand that. Female with female. So why do we get the male patients too? There are other crews that are on till almost as late as us, yet we seemed to get assigned the vast majority of transports.

I know transports and not just 911 calls are part of our job too, and I'm completely 100% fine with that, and honestly they're not really that bad, just sometimes a bit of a drive. But if it's usually female psych with female attendant, why isn't it male psych with male attendant? Ugh I dunno. Just irked me a bit.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, on to other stuff. Made some nice headway last night in the book I'm reading (A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin's first book in his series A Song of Ice and Fire). It's actually getting pretty good now that I have a grasp on everything lol.

Today is day 5. Still haven't heard back from the bio department at AVC. Also haven't gotten an email from them, phone call, no nothing. At this point I'm keeping my fingers crossed since it's already 1:30pm. If I don't hear anything today then I'm going to go back to the counseling center on Monday and try to speak with the same person I spoke to (hopefully they won't make me make an appointment, since it'll be like 3 weeks from now lol).

I think that's about it....haven't really done too much.

Good news on the socialization front though! I made friends with one of the ER tech's at the hospital we always drop off to, and he texted me saying that a bunch of people were going out for dinner and drinks on Friday and that I was more than welcome. Reason #99823748274 that I hate my shift. He worked last night though so I told him next time he needs to go out either on a Sunday, or some non-Thursday/Friday/Saturday lol. He laughed and said he'd definitely keep me in the loop, so maybe there's hope for me yet! ::woot::

Hope everyone is having a good day. Watched the season premieres of Bones, The Mentalist, and CSI that had tivo'd from last night. All very good! Though ROFL @ Justin Beiber acting. He wasn't that bad for a first time, but I just can't get over this kid lol. Gets famous off his youtube videos that he posted himself, and now is an accomplished singer and has started his foray into acting. Way to go for him! I don't particularly care for his music myself, but then again I'm sure 20-something year olds didn't really care for N*Sync when I was madly in love with them, so I can't really judge.

I think it's time for some Starcraft II :)

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