Friday, September 17, 2010

What goes around...

has come around to bite me square in the ass. Note to past self: learn to study at a much earlier age.

Got off work right around 7 today, and drove straight to AVC to see if I could get a same-day appointment with a counselor to talk about the remaining classes I need to take, which classes transfer over from UCR, etc.
The day started off well enough: I got an appointment, yay! (I had previously scheduled an appointment for the 29th of this month, but I wanted to try to get one earlier). Come back at 12:45. I say ok.

I go home, go unconscious for a couple hours, wake up, get dressed, and head back on over to AVC.

Moment of truth!

Goddamit. And multiple other cuss words similar. They don't accept C-'s. C or better to be able to be transferred over. Chem - check. English - check. Math - check. Other random classes - check.

But I was an albeit horrible student freshman year in college, bit off more than I could chew, and had beyond zero study habits, and I got a C- in Bio 005A. Shit.

What is the pre-req to get into anatomy you ask? Bio 101 - intro to biology. The class they'd use as equivalent for that? My bio 005A grade. So I petitioned the bio department to overlook my "minus". Chances are they won't, but I'll find out by a week from today.

Good news though. They have what they call an "intersession" or something. Basically, it's a mini semester (5 weeks) between Fall and Spring semesters (Spring starts February 2011, Fall ends around December, so sometime in between there). So if I have to take their *mumbles something not nice* Bio 101, I'll do it, and I'll still be on track to take Anatomy/Phys/Microbio in the coming semesters.

Not exactly the fun-filled day-with-Dave I had planned, but hey. At least now I know, and I'll be able to plan my courses accordingly. I'm not giving up just yet.

I count going to AVC as my outing for the day, albeit a sucky one. So... so far I'm 2-for-2 for being dressed and interacting with the outside world :p Woo?


  1. The intersession option sounds like a good one! Sometimes the shorter, quicker classes (like that, and summer classes) are nicer because you only have to focus on one or two classes at a time and can devote all your attention to them.

    Good luck girl!!! I know you'll do awesome because I think you were always meant to be a nurse ;)

  2. I know that you are frustrated with the way things are going right now. Life doesn't always turn out the way you want it to, but try to look at all the great things you have going for you. Look at the positives, and work on changing the negatives into positives. It will be a slow process, but it is do-able. HUGS!!!!
