Monday, September 27, 2010


Yay!!! Today is a wonderful day!

I just got back from my meeting with a counselor over at AVC (got there at 7:40am - doors open at 8 - to make sure to get one of todays walk-in appointments) to check on the status of my petition to the bio department in regards to me being able to take anatomy. I hadn't heard anything in a week so I went in to check on things. At first it looked like there was a misunderstanding - he said that it looks like the bio department didn't need to get back to me until the 30th of this month (meaning it hadn't been turned in until late last week, which was NOT the case).

Turns out it got shipped to the wrong persons desk or whatever. So he gives me a card with a persons name on it and says to call her by around 4:30pm today if I don't hear anything and I'll get my answer. This suits me well enough and I ask him a couple other questions about the intersession classes, when suddenly another person walks in, looks at me, goes "Jenna?" me: "yes..?" She goes on to show me my petition, and that I'd been APPROVED!!! HELL YES!! I was told by several people that petitions of this kind usually don't work, as a C- is a C-, and they don't accept those unless there's a good reason. Well boo-freakin-ya. My petition was approved!!
Just wanted to get this all down before I head out for my weekly D&D session. I think we're going to actually start the campaign today if enough people show up. Going to be the Serpent's Skull one.

Right now my plan is roughly this:

In nursing school, there are a few general classes you take along with your core nursing classes. However, these general classes do NOT need to be taken only once you are in nursing school, so I'd like to get them out of the way. I've already taken care of the math, english, and psych thanks to UCR (woo). On to the rest:

Intersession 2011 (January something - Feb something): Phil 105, and whatever the communications course is (assuming these are offered in intersession).

Spring 2011: Anatomy, and I think there's a 3rd random general course that I need

Summer 2011: Physiology (it's weird, anatomy is a pre-req for phys. Oh well)

Fall 2011: Microbiology

Then apply to nursing school at AVC
Summer 2011: Physiology AND Microbio. I'm just unsure whether or not taking microbio with something else is a good idea, since I've heard it's not the easiest class around.

Apply for nursing school (if I can? I'm not sure how it goes) during Summer 2011

Fall 2011: Start nursing school (assuming I get in)

Yay for plans! Off to D&D :)

Sunday, September 26, 2010

Yay for no work till Thursday :)

Man. I've been sleeping on and off all day - last night was nuts.

Normally we'll run between 2-4 calls total throughout the evening. Last night we ran 7...or maybe it was 8? Either way it was insane. Had to go to Wayside (prison) twice too. Bleh. They're starting to recognize us over there lol.

Kim and I got letters of commendation! Yay! That'll look quite lovely in our personal files :) We seem to end up working with a particular station a lot down in SCV, and they were very impressed with us last night and actually took the time to call our supervisor and let him know. Makes me feel good :) Kim and I were on a freaking roll last night, working smoothly, and everything was just clicking. Woo!

So tomorrow is the big day (hopefully). I'm going to go down to AVC and talk to the same counselor and make sure everything is set for me to be able to take Anatomy in the spring quarter (begins in February) since the bio department never got back to me. I'm still kind of nervous that some fluke happened and that I still can't take it, but hopefully everything goes smooth.

Sorry, no pictures this post or last post. Again, on days that I work, I spend most of the day resting so I can stay up during the night. I'll take pictures tomorrow though! The trees in our backyard have started recovering from the shock of being planted and are growing leaves again :)

Read a lot more in my book during work last night, it's getting pretty good. I want to ride on a horse and have a sword and be awesome like that :p

Nothing else really to report since the last couple days have been filled with sleep and work.

I DO need to mention the awesomeness of Dave, however. I came home Saturday morning and there was a bubble bath with candles waiting for me :) After I had slept for a while he woke me up and had made me brunch, and after that (I napped again in the afternoon), he had made dinner as well! (During the middle of the day we went out and ran some errands together).

Overall things are awesome, life is good, and I'm going to go have some dessert. :)

Friday, September 24, 2010

Missed a couple days

Whoops. Kinda got hard to keep writing once I started working. The whole sleep-during-the-day thing and all.

Now I've remembered, so here I am :)

Nothing too much to report. Wednesday night (this is my long week), we got a code 2 down to a psych facility in LA (joy, of course it was my day to drive) and this guy was so freaking forward to Kim, it was ridiculous. First as we're loading him, he tells us both we're "cuties, much better than the last people that transported him" and asks us both if we're married. I hold up my hand and thankfully dodged that bullet, as I also was the driver and didn't have to sit back there with him. After we drop him off, Kim says "wow. THAT was an uncomfortable ride." I ask her why, and she says that after being more and more suggestive, the patient told her straight out that he'd like to rip her clothes off with his teeth. Sweet Jesus.

Ok. When it's a female psych patient held on a 5150 (the form used when the person is a danger to themselves or others, it's a 72 hour hold, patients rights are forfeit (as in, even if you don't want to go to ____ facility, you're still going because we're looking out for you since you can't)) they usually ask for a female attendant to be in the back. Alright, I understand that. Female with female. So why do we get the male patients too? There are other crews that are on till almost as late as us, yet we seemed to get assigned the vast majority of transports.

I know transports and not just 911 calls are part of our job too, and I'm completely 100% fine with that, and honestly they're not really that bad, just sometimes a bit of a drive. But if it's usually female psych with female attendant, why isn't it male psych with male attendant? Ugh I dunno. Just irked me a bit.

Now that I've gotten that off my chest, on to other stuff. Made some nice headway last night in the book I'm reading (A Game of Thrones, George R.R. Martin's first book in his series A Song of Ice and Fire). It's actually getting pretty good now that I have a grasp on everything lol.

Today is day 5. Still haven't heard back from the bio department at AVC. Also haven't gotten an email from them, phone call, no nothing. At this point I'm keeping my fingers crossed since it's already 1:30pm. If I don't hear anything today then I'm going to go back to the counseling center on Monday and try to speak with the same person I spoke to (hopefully they won't make me make an appointment, since it'll be like 3 weeks from now lol).

I think that's about it....haven't really done too much.

Good news on the socialization front though! I made friends with one of the ER tech's at the hospital we always drop off to, and he texted me saying that a bunch of people were going out for dinner and drinks on Friday and that I was more than welcome. Reason #99823748274 that I hate my shift. He worked last night though so I told him next time he needs to go out either on a Sunday, or some non-Thursday/Friday/Saturday lol. He laughed and said he'd definitely keep me in the loop, so maybe there's hope for me yet! ::woot::

Hope everyone is having a good day. Watched the season premieres of Bones, The Mentalist, and CSI that had tivo'd from last night. All very good! Though ROFL @ Justin Beiber acting. He wasn't that bad for a first time, but I just can't get over this kid lol. Gets famous off his youtube videos that he posted himself, and now is an accomplished singer and has started his foray into acting. Way to go for him! I don't particularly care for his music myself, but then again I'm sure 20-something year olds didn't really care for N*Sync when I was madly in love with them, so I can't really judge.

I think it's time for some Starcraft II :)

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Productive Day :)

So overall I got a decent amount of stuff done today.

First, as promised, pictures of the front yard (and also a picture of the awesome shelf Dave put up in the kitchen for cookbooks/other things). The landscapers are going to be adding more of the desert gravel to the front yard since the construction has put tons of dirt on our yard obscuring/ruining the look lol. Once they add more and it doesn't look so flat everything will look lovely again :)
All the plants we put in are doing great! Even the one we thought died from shock is starting to come back now (the second yellow one). It even has a couple flowers now! Yay!

Ok on to today: Finally got my butt up and moving around early-afternoon-ish. First stop was Bed Bath & Beyond to pick up a breadbox since we desperately needed one :) (and, because they're right next to kitchen stuff, a few scented candles as well :) Cinnamon and vanilla lit together make the room feel all cozy)
After that was over to Best Buy. Thought about getting new headphones to replace the ones River accidentally broke, but decided not yet. Got some compressed air (oh snap, craziness, I know), True Blood season 2, and Boondock Saints: All Saints Day on dvd (well, dvd for True Blood, Blu-Ray for the movie. Seriously, the quality difference really is noticeable). And ugh. Just found out True Blood is in Blu-Ray too. I didn't see it though. Poop.
After that was a quick stop at VONS for the ingredients for the dinner I attempted (and I feel successfully) made tonight. From one of the cookbooks I have, I decided to make Tuna burgers with mango salsa. VONS didn't have mango chutney though (ok, wtf is chutney? O_o) so I just didn't add it. Everything still tasted fine :)
Unfortunately this is my long week so I have to work tomorrow, but I'm hoping to be able to get myself going a little bit earlier and maybe go to the dog park with the pooches or just go out and do something. Maybe I'll go bowling! Who knows.

Hope everyone else's day was nice as well :)


Days bio department has not contacted me: II

Keeping my fingers crossed...

Monday went far too fast

So Monday is techincally overwith and completed already. The day kinda seemed to go by fast and slow all at the same time.

First off, today was day 1 of the bio department getting my appeal. So far no contact from them, though I didn't expect any today.

Nothing too special today. Put up chicken wire on the gate connecting the dogrun to the backyard so that River would stop sneaking through and getting into the backyard.....and subsequently getting mud all over herself and the house. Took quite a while, but I feel much better knowing I'm going to come back to two clean doggies :) It's late right now so I'll probably come back tomorrow and add a pic or two of it. I'm proud of my chicken-wire work.

Also! The plants that Dave and I put in the front yard (to replace the bland looking ones KB had installed originally) are THRIVING! They honestly look wonderful :) Once it's nice and light out I'm definitely taking pictures. They seriously look freaking great.

Social interaction for the day:


ok so I'll divulge. Monday is my official nerd out day. I found this cool little book/game shop called Battle Ground, and I went and hung out there a little bit last week and I mentioned that I had always been interested in D&D. Long story short, Mondays are now my D&D days :) Today they just ran through some combat scenarios, the actual campaign/story will start next week. It's fun though. We basically sit around, talk, joke, and play a game while we're at it. Yay social fun. /dork.
After that, I headed home (got there about the same time as Dave too, which was kinda funny since we pulled into the driveway at the same time). For dinner we made paninis! Lot of work, but they turned out quite delicious :)
Other than that, not too much to report. Dave did some AWEOSME housework yesterday. He put a shelf up in the kitchen to hold all the cookbooks/some pictures, put fertilizer spikes by all our trees, and did a couple other things as well. Our house is rapidly turning into a home. I love it :)

Sleepy time :)

Monday, September 20, 2010

San Diego pt 2 & Sunday as well!

San Diego...part deux!
Ok. No post yesterday, as I worked from 7-7 and then came home, had dinner, and slept :p. Anyhoo, Yom Kippur dinner was wonderful. All the right people were there, and conversation filled the evening :) And yes, there was DELICIOUS food!
As you can see, not too much was left afterwards.
Dessert was also amazing, though I was still full from dinner so I didn't have too big a piece (though I would have liked to have eaten much more!). Mom made the cake :)
After the cake, Dave and I headed back. He drove, I slept. We got home, walked inside, and I slept some more :p Thus leads us into...

Sunday! I worked!....during the day. ugh.
So maybe I *am* getting used to working nights, I dunno. All I know is that when my alarm went off at 5:30am, the groan I let out was quite loud. On my drive to work I was hoping that the day would be slow (not a lot of calls), but seem to go by quick - and it actually happened! Yay!

For the first part of the day, we were standby at this High School Rodeo thing that was actually pretty cool. I only took two pictures and couldn't really see what I was taking. Just looking at them now, it looks like I managed to capture one of one of the guys falling. Whoops, lol.
Before the rodeo, we took paperwork up to the AV (the rodeo was up in the AV as well), so we got to just work up there all day which was nice. After the rodeo ended (around 1:30 or so), we had one more call, and that was it! The rest of the time was silent, and I caught up on some sleep, and actually read an entire book lol.

My partner for the day had brought a book with him that he said was pretty good (though he was only a couple pages in), so while he was watching something on his laptop I snagged it, and kinda got a little into it :p The book was book 1 in the Sweep series called Book of Shadows. It's kind of tween-ily written, but I enjoyed it nonetheless (and it made the day go by quick!).
Got home around 8, ate some dinner, and went to bed. Meant to just be in bed for a little bit then get on the computer, but I fell asleep lol. Damn tiredness. At least I got 10 hours of beautiful, awesome sleep. Now I feel great!

Time for breakfast :)

Saturday, September 18, 2010

San Diego!

So I'm currently in San Diego at my parents house for Yom Kippur :) (Happy Yom Kippur to those who celebrate!)

We headed down here earlier today, so before people came over, I took the opportunity to go see Jeane since I hadn't seen her in forever :) She just got Super Mario Bros for the Wii so of course we had to play!

sneak attacks with the camera are fun :)

Even though I'm tired since I just got off work this morning, and I'm working tomorrow morning, I'm really happy to be down in San Diego to see everyone. Saw Jeane (and her brothers) just now, and then I can't wait to see everyone tonight! Should be quite an enjoyable evening!

Ok: as I was typing this (and I had a couple minutes to just sit, so I figured hey, why not :p), I hear my mom start yelling for my dad that something is on fire, I look over onto the counter top, and one of the Yahrzeit candles is fully on fire. Mom says to throw some water on it since it didn't seem to bad, then BOOM. Candle explodes! Craziness. Lesson: Don't buy Yehuda candles evidently :p

That was enough fun for now, time to go finish getting ready :)

Friday, September 17, 2010

What goes around...

has come around to bite me square in the ass. Note to past self: learn to study at a much earlier age.

Got off work right around 7 today, and drove straight to AVC to see if I could get a same-day appointment with a counselor to talk about the remaining classes I need to take, which classes transfer over from UCR, etc.
The day started off well enough: I got an appointment, yay! (I had previously scheduled an appointment for the 29th of this month, but I wanted to try to get one earlier). Come back at 12:45. I say ok.

I go home, go unconscious for a couple hours, wake up, get dressed, and head back on over to AVC.

Moment of truth!

Goddamit. And multiple other cuss words similar. They don't accept C-'s. C or better to be able to be transferred over. Chem - check. English - check. Math - check. Other random classes - check.

But I was an albeit horrible student freshman year in college, bit off more than I could chew, and had beyond zero study habits, and I got a C- in Bio 005A. Shit.

What is the pre-req to get into anatomy you ask? Bio 101 - intro to biology. The class they'd use as equivalent for that? My bio 005A grade. So I petitioned the bio department to overlook my "minus". Chances are they won't, but I'll find out by a week from today.

Good news though. They have what they call an "intersession" or something. Basically, it's a mini semester (5 weeks) between Fall and Spring semesters (Spring starts February 2011, Fall ends around December, so sometime in between there). So if I have to take their *mumbles something not nice* Bio 101, I'll do it, and I'll still be on track to take Anatomy/Phys/Microbio in the coming semesters.

Not exactly the fun-filled day-with-Dave I had planned, but hey. At least now I know, and I'll be able to plan my courses accordingly. I'm not giving up just yet.

I count going to AVC as my outing for the day, albeit a sucky one. So... so far I'm 2-for-2 for being dressed and interacting with the outside world :p Woo?

Thursday, September 16, 2010

Out and About

So I actually got myself dressed and went out, woot. Since the people at Reddit basically got me started on this, I figured the first picture should have a shout out:

Next was off to find my new book that would be taking me on all sorts of outings while I read it, since the rule I'm taking to heart is that I can't do it at home. I'm really hoping that purely by doing something every day and going outside (gasp, maybe even meeting people) will just help to turn things around. Since I'm a lover of fantasy/scifi books, and all the more if it's a series, I decided to give justahumanbeings' recommendation of George R. R. Martin's A Song of Ice and Fire series a try. Book 1! :

Instead of just going home like I normally would, I thought it would be nice to sit in their little Starbucks-ish section, have some lunch, and get started on my new book. Didn't really talk with anyone, but I'm just happy to have gone out and done something today instead of sitting at home dwelling about how I'm not going out and doing anything.
While eating my most delicious panini I came to...not a realization per se, but yes, I realized something. While I'm not happy about not having friends, and I REALLY don't enjoy my shifts (working nights just sucks the big one), I also realized that I'm just kind of not fulfilled by my role right now. I'm 23, and basically I stay home all day, take care of the house, the dogs, and my husband. And while yes, I definitely love and enjoy doing these things, at 23 I didn't want that to be ALL there was to me. I wanted to have friends, go out, still make some mistakes, and ALSO be doing well, have some pets, a nice home, and a loving husband. I just feel like I'm a Suzy-housewife at the grand old age of 23. It's a role I may someday cherish, but right now I don't want there to be all there is to me.

So here starts my adventure to hopefully make some friends in the town I now call home, and get off my lazy ass and start changing the situation I'm not happy about. Wish me luck!

First post!

Ok. No more depressed attitude. Time to change things! Hopefully this will stick as I've always liked taking pictures. No one else has to like it, I'm doing it just for me, but maybe someone else can get enjoyment out of random every-day pictures too. Who knows, maybe I'll stumble across something pretty cool.

Time to get dressed and head out and do something before work.

EDIT: So I like to read, and based on the advice from wacco and justahumanbeing (who are Redditors), I'm going to read like always do...just not at home! I've decided I'll just take pictures of where I'm reading the book.

Goal: at least 1 pick per day to start off with.